Megmutatjuk azokat a lemezeket - műfaji megkötés nélkül - amelyek minden másnál hosszabb időt töltöttek playlistjeinken vagy CD játszóinkban, mert az idén ezeket szerettük a legjobban. Rengeteg koncertre nem jutottunk el, de volt bőven, amire nem bántuk meg, hogy elmentünk. (Vagy mégis) A Ritmus és…
A good 20 years ago we were shooting a film in the village of Csenyéte, the place known for immeasurable poverty and hopelessness in the county of Borsod, somewhere in the Cserehát-region. Mine was a minor role in the film, but I was also responsible for the soundtrack, so the crew and I set out to…
When God created music, he must have first stuck his finger down in Mali. In fact, to call contemporary Malian music world music is a bit odd, as the music that is born there today might have easily been heard by the locals thousands of years ago, in the same form and with the same contents. We are…