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100 Years of Tamburitza
Babra’s New Album Celebrates a Double Jubilee



The tamburitza ensemble Babra, marking its 10th anniversary this year, has released its latest album as a personal reflection on over a century of tamburitza music. Titled 100 Years of Tamburitza, the album draws inspiration from the vibrant tamburitza music of the 20th century in the Vojvodina region, southern Hungary, and Serbian and Croatian communities, as well as from the legendary musicians of these areas.

The Budapest-based Babra, known for reviving South Slavic and broader Balkan musical traditions in Hungary, was inspired by the urban tamburitza styles and repertoire of the early 1900s, as well as by the group’s “own musical experiences accumulated over a decade,” explained Benedek Réti, the band’s accordionist and the conceptual creator of the album. “From the beginning, Babra has aimed to create a personal and unique style and sound. The new album embodies this while also preserving the authenticity and original spirit of the melodies we’ve reinterpreted,” added Veronika Varga, Babra’s vocalist and double bassist.

Babra was founded in Budapest in 2014, a city where traditional and modern urban cultures continuously interact. The band’s primary inspiration lies in the music of the South Slavs along the Danube, tied not only to a shared passion but also to personal and familial connections. Babra’s sound is defined by the harmony of tamburitzas, complemented by traditional vocal styles. “The tamburitza, a plucked string instrument central to our ensemble, is capable of creating highly dynamic and nuanced musical textures. The music it conveys is characterized by subtle elegance and slow melancholy, as well as robust simplicity and surprising virtuosity that moves listeners with elemental power,” explained Veronika Varga.

Their debut album, released in 2019 by Fonó Records, received positive acclaim both in Hungary and internationally, ranking among the top 10 albums on the World Music Charts Europe. Following this success, Babra collaborated with the Polish group Megitza on a joint album titled Razem in January 2022. In 2024, they recorded 100 Years of Tamburitza, commemorating their 10th anniversary.


Over the years, founding members Dávid Pozsonyi and Dániel Koller have departed from the group, but Babra welcomed Bálint Horváth in 2022 and Balázs Csonka in 2024, keeping the ensemble’s lineup at five. 100 Years of Tamburitza was completed with contributions from Dániel Koller, whose distinctive cello-tamburitza solo provides one of the album’s most profound musical moments. (Dani szólója)

The album features compositions inspired by the repertoire of renowned Vojvodina Serbian violinist Joca Mimika, as well as virtuosos like Stefan Bačić Trnda, Pero Tumbas, and Janika Balázs. The latter’s repertoire includes not only folk songs but also urban art songs (starogradske pesme), popular tunes from the former Yugoslavia, dance music, and pieces influenced by classical and salon music, drawing on Hungarian and Roma traditions.

The album’s regional focus and stylistic diversity are evident throughout, starting with the opening track, Vesela je Vojvodina (“Long Live Vojvodina”). Another highlight is the only Hungarian-language arrangement, The Tamburitzas of the Tisza, brought to life by Babra’s Óbecse-born member, Balázs Csonka, offering an authentic taste of the tamburitza tradition of the Hungarian community in Vojvodina. (A Tisza tamburái)

The final tracks, Snoviđenje and Zelen ora', debo lad, showcase Babra’s signature musical essence.

The 100 Years of Tamburitza title reflects not only the golden age of the melodies it reimagines but also the century-spanning continuity of tamburitza traditions. The selected pieces evoke the spirit and atmosphere of a bygone era while providing a comprehensive portrayal of the diversity of urban and rural tamburitza traditions.


Dániel Koller - first tamburitza, alto tamburitza, samica, cello tamburitza, vocal

Balázs Csonka - first tamburitza, alto tamburitza, vocal

Bálint Horváth - alto tamburitza, rhythm tamburitza, samica, vocal

Bence Babcsán - rhythm tamburitza, alto tamburitza, flutes, vocal

Veronika Varga - bass tamburitza, lead vocal

Benedek Réti - accordion

Label: Denagyvilág Records

Album on YouTube


in hungarian



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